Join me on my “what’s next” transformation!

I’m in the process of doing some amazing personal work and I want to invite you to come along with me!!  I have an intention to be a transformational inspirer.  Through my writing, or coaching or motivational speaking.   And everything that I’m doing for myself might also inspire YOU!

My intention is to attract women who are primed to make a change in their lives.  Women who’ve faced a tough experience and are ready to move through it to the greatness that is always on the other side.  Women who feel a deep yearning inside and have never looked into it or nurtured it.

There’s a part of me that’s nervous to put this out…What if no one wants to read my posts?  Some of them are way too long.  Is there really value in them?  My website isn’t where I want it to be.  I need to re-write a bunch of it.

I’m not ready…

I’m. Not. Perfect.

And then I think, what better way to connect with other women who are making changes or considering following their dreams, than by being transparent and being an example of how I’m doing it!

Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been up to last year and what I’m doing as of this year.


In January, I met with Kelly Hagar, from Arras Sisters and her colleagues Jill Laux and Kristen Schneider as we started talking about my “what’s next.”  I came up with wanting to inspire women based on my own crazy life experiences, working from the place that “Kicking and Screaming is a Waste of Time” when I’ve been in a tough experience and feature the “Illuminations” I would get from going through those hard times in my life.

In June I started working on my website with Caren Libby.  And while I’d hired a writer to help me with the content, I realized, I AM the writer!

In August I learned my mom was dying.  Which understandably threw me into a tailspin.  I wanted to try and control her life, to get things to happen differently.  And then I watched the movie, My Octopus Teacher, and let go of my need to control.

Also in August I learned about and signed up to participate in a 21 day writing challenge, offered by Mike Dooley who writes the daily email from The Universe.

That started on September 7th and went to the 28th.

And then later in August I learned of a Feminine Power Program by Claire Zammit that was to begin September 28th.  While I started out registering for her 7-week transformational program, when I found out that there was also a coaching program, I was intrigued.  I was incredibly inspired by the materials I had received.  So I talked to my mom, wondering if I wanted to sign up for a 2-year commitment.

She said, “Absolutely!!”

We both agreed that the time would go by anyway!

She died on 10/2.  I’d had one weekend to tell her about this inspiring path I was on.  I will always associate the beginning of that program with my mom’s passing.

Oh and all the while I’ve been working with Sandy Wilder through his Educare Unlearning Institute in a Devotion to Being program as well as doing weekly one on one sessions with him delving into my Enneagram Type, which is a 4.


Today is January 8, 2021.  Monday I started on another 21-day challenge from Mike Dooley, this one called Change One Thing.  It’s about his Mechanics of Manifesting Miracles.

Friday I’m beginning a Year of Miracles program.

And on 1/23 I’ll be beginning the part of the Feminine Power Program called Mastery which is all about transformation.

On Monday, Jan 4, I started an 18 week physical therapy program for my abdominal issue that followed my 2019 kidney transplant.  Its uncomfortable and difficult.  It might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

It’s like I am putting myself through a PhD in self-awareness and manifesting transformation.  This level of intensity is not for the faint of heart.  I don’t want to scare any of you readers nor intimidate you.

No, my inner yearning has always been around self-growth/self-awareness.  And it’s more recently become around wanting to share it with others.

So, while I’m doing this much discovery, I want to be able to put my hand back or hold it straight out to YOU and say, come learn with me.  I want to inspire YOU to be your greatest self.  To hear your yearnings and have me help you bring them to life.

Do you want to hang out with me?  My deepest desire is to share my life lessons with all who find me to touch your lives.  I sure hope you want to come along.  You’ll find me perfectly imperfect.  Ready to share my deepest despair along with my greatest triumphs.  And I’ll bring you along step by step!  Every doubt that shows up…every step I take when I might feel fear.  The fights I have with Henry.  The times that I have miracles happen.  Stuff happens to me all the time.  I use writing to get it out of me, get it “on paper” if you will.  And, as I figure, someone will enjoy reading it and if not, I’m fine with that too!  It’s my journey and writing about it is my total JOY!!!

My website has a collection of stories I’ve already written and it will house all future posts.   Topics include my challenges around my self-growth, other life experiences, challenges from health issues I’ve experienced, relationship issues and growth and so much more.

Let’s go, shall we!?

1 thought on “Join me on my “what’s next” transformation!”

  1. Just wanted to say to all you women out here if you are inspired by what Kasey has to offer but fear or doubt are holding you back, go for it! I am in Kasey’s Devotion to Being class with Educare. We share deeply there and we also are assigned listening partners. Kasey and I have been listening partners since early October. I can say without a doubt that Kasey is the real deal. She is a dynamic and profound listener with many skill sets and a wide range of knowledge. You will end up being power sisters together. I feel that she has helped me to locate many of my underlying fears which have lead to more awareness and recognition my voice beyond the inner parts of what claims to be me internally working in conflict. I can hear my inner teacher when she is listening. . Kasey has not asked me to write this. , If you are being called to this adventure with her, accept it. You won’t regret it. Much love to y’all and happy spiritual spelunking! Katie

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